Appropriate for all industries
• Listen and define with our business partner specific needs (geographically primary)
• Explain to our customer the relevance and the importance of all local differences and codes
• Pin down the parallels from the U.S market to the European markets
• Picture the transition and adjustments of oversees business requirements
• Propose various adapted branding approach strategy suited for their development
• Develop or recalibrate a visual identity strategy adapted to European and regional expectations
• Define or adapt the brand philosophy to European and regional values
• Embrace European intercultural and generational apprehensions
• Elaborate and edit adapted pitches, presentations and keynotes in European standards
• Edit in French, German, Italian and UK English
• Manage vector files for print and packaging in European measurement instructions
• Coordinate production and final work execution directly with local European resources
From renowned American names, established companies, and large corporations to U.S. non-profits, these organizations are looking to grow and expand in Europe. Before exploring European business opportunities, be sure to understand local codes. Europe is not one new market, rather it is many distinct markets. At dim3branding, in addition to our international network, we have 20 years of European local experience across all industries.